HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL Registered office: 8 Santa Teresa street in the city of Valencia 46001.

Email:  hello@hauxgroup.com

Purpose. Hiring, commercial management, sending advertising and commercial prospecting.

Legitimation. Legal Obligation, contractual relationship and Consent

Recipients. No data will be transferred to third parties unless legally required. There will be no international transfer of data

Rights. Access, rectify and delete data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information.

Additional Information. You can consult additional and detailed information about how we process your data in the Privacy Policy


HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL guarantees the protection of all personal data provided by the User on the Website and, in compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, in RD 1720/2007 of December 21.

All personal data provided to HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL will be processed by it in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on Protection of Personal Data and RD 1720/2007 of December 21 and will be incorporated into the corresponding record created and maintained under the responsibility of the Data Controller.

HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL respects current legislation on the protection of personal data, the privacy of users and the secrecy and security of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation on data protection, specifically, Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the personal data provided, taking into account of the state of the technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.

I.- Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

This privacy policy applies to all personal data that the user provides to HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL is the entity that owns this website, with registered office at: Calle Santa Teresa 8 in the city of Valencia 46001.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “User” should be understood as any natural person interested in the products and services that HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL offers through its Website.

HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL will request, prior to providing personal data, the User’s express consent to this Privacy Policy, when necessary, and to any other aspect that requires prior authorization.

The User may contact us via email hello@hauxgroup.com  for any questions or needs you may have regarding data protection.

II.- For what purpose do we process your personal data?

The User is hereby informed that HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL will process personal data for the purposes indicated below, to the extent that there is a legal basis for each processing as explained below:

(a) Guarantee the User access and use of the Website as well as for the management, study and resolution of queries

(b) Facilitate the User’s relationship with HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL and, where applicable, the contracting of a service.

(c) Inform the User by any means, including sending commercial communications and commercial prospecting to the email address that the User, if applicable, provides to HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL of documentation about the company, its activities, products and services. , as well as documentation of various nature.

(d) Operate legal obligations with different Administrations and public Institutes 

Unless expressly indicated otherwise, it is mandatory to provide all Personal Data that is requested, without which it is not possible to offer information on the activities and services of HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL

The data is collected with the purpose of making possible information on the products and services of HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL. If the User has given express consent to do so, the data may also be used to send commercial information about offers and discounts from (insert name company/Self-employed) 

III.- What is the legitimacy for the processing of your personal data?

The legal basis for the processing of data for purposes (a) and (b) is the need for the execution of a contract to which the interested party is a party or for the application at the request of the interested party of pre-contractual measures, in which ( c) is the consent requested from the User in the corresponding form and in d) Legal obligation.

In the event that the data is necessary to respond to a query or manage the contracting of a product and service, if the required information is not fully incorporated, we warn that this may not be possible to do so satisfactorily.  

HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL, at the time of providing your personal data, will collect and process those essential for the purposes accessed.

Under no circumstances will HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL transfer or exploit this data or use it for a use other than that expressly indicated here. 

The User may voluntarily provide additional information that allows the service to be personalized. The decision to provide said information is exclusively the User’s own and they must give their express consent for its use and may revoke this at any time.

IV.- How long do we keep your personal data?

HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL will keep the User’s data during the contractual relationship with the user and, in any case, for a maximum period of two years from the last time the User has interacted with HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL or until the User revoke consent, without prejudice to the conservation that is necessary for the formulation, exercise or defense of potential claims and/or whenever permitted by applicable legislation during the prescription periods of legal actions, and/or established in the current applicable regulations after the termination of the contractual relationship. Once the aforementioned period has expired, the Company undertakes to cease the processing of all your data, as well as, where appropriate, to duly block them in the corresponding Company databases.

V.- Security and integrity of personal data. Who has access to your personal data?

We establish security levels required of our employees to preserve the protection and integrity of the data of our clients and interested parties. This Policy seeks to adopt actions aimed at preserving the four basic components of security applied to information: 

– Confidentiality: We allow access to data and our systems only to those duly authorized people following the “principle of need for use”.

– Integrity: We preserve the accuracy of the information and systems against any type of alteration, loss or destruction, whether accidental or fraudulent.

– Availability: We establish the necessary mechanisms so that the information and systems can be used in the manner and time required. 

– Auditability: We make it easy for any action or transaction to be univocally related, ensuring compliance with key controls established in the corresponding regulations. 

In addition to the above, the User understands that HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL may carry out transfers or communications of personal data to meet its obligations with the Public Administrations in cases where this is required in accordance with the legislation in force at any time and, where appropriate, also to other bodies such as State Security Forces and Bodies and the Judicial bodies.

The security of your data is very important to us. We have designed a continuity plan to minimize the impact that any contingency that may affect the provision of services could have on our clients. We will use appropriate resources to investigate security breaches that endanger the privacy of our clients and data subjects, ensuring that appropriate corrective measures are implemented. We will keep a record of security incidents available to local supervisory authorities. 

We will inform our clients of those relevant cases in which the loss, misuse or disclosure of information has been caused by a breach in the security of the company’s systems and networks or derived from an internal technical decision or action. In these cases, we will inform our clients about the corrective actions taken and provide appropriate recommendations to help protect their interests.

VI.- What are the rights of users?

HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL informs the User about the possibility of freely exercising the rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, portability and limitation of processing, as well as to reject the automated processing of personal data by means of a written and signed request addressed to to the following address:  hello@hauxgroup.com  or at the corporate address of HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL indicating your contact information and the reference: “Data Protection”. “I exercise LOPD rights” which must contain: your name and surname, photocopy of your DNI (passport or other valid document that identifies you), petition in which the request is specified, address for notification purposes, date and signature.

The User has the right to oppose the processing of their data for promotional purposes for the receipt of commercial communications by simply notifying HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL of their will. To do so, the User may direct their request through the procedure described in the previous paragraph. Likewise, the User may cancel the receipt of commercial communications according to the manner provided for in each commercial communication.

In addition to the above rights, the User will have the right to withdraw the consent granted at any time through the procedure described above, without said withdrawal of consent affecting the legality of the processing prior to its withdrawal. HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL may continue processing the User’s data to the extent permitted by applicable law.

HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL reminds the User that they have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

VII.- Data quality

HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL warns the User that, except in cases of legally constituted and accredited representation, no User can use the identity of another person and communicate their personal data, so the User must at all times keep in mind that only You can provide personal data corresponding to your own identity and that are adequate, relevant, current, accurate and true. For these purposes, the User will be solely responsible for any damage, direct and/or indirect, caused to third parties or to HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL due to the use of another person’s personal data, or their own personal data when they are false, erroneous. , not current, inappropriate or not relevant. 

Likewise, the User who communicates the personal data of a third party will respond to the third party for the obligation to provide information when the personal data has not been collected from the interested party, and/or for the consequences of not having informed him or her and, where appropriate, , obtained your consent.

In the event that the User provides any personal data of third parties, the User undertakes to previously inform these people of the intention to communicate their data to HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL and to obtain their prior, express and written consent for said data processing. and any purposes for which they were to be processed, the User being responsible otherwise.

The User is in principle the only source of information for their personal data, so HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL asks that, in order to keep their data updated and up-to-date at all times in accordance with the principles of the Regulation (EU ) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and repealing the Directive 95/46/CE (RGPD), communicate any variation thereof to the address Registered office: Calle Santa Teresa 8 in the city of Valencia 46001 of HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL or to the e-mail: hello@hauxgroup.com  The User is reminded that in order to update their data it is necessary to prove their identity by providing a photocopy of their ID or equivalent document.

The categories of data that are processed are:

– Identification data – Postal or electronic addresses – Commercial information

The company will NOT make automated decisions, profiles or logic applied to your data and will only inform you in advance and with your consent, transfer your data to third parties, if necessary to achieve the purpose of the treatment.

VIII. – Security measures

In the collection and processing of Personal Data, the necessary technical and organizational measures will be adopted to guarantee the security of Personal Data and prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data provided and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or the physical or natural environment.

IX.- Use of cookies

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser when you visit almost any web page. Its usefulness is for the website to be able to remember your visit when you browse that page again. Cookies usually store technical information, personal preferences, content customization, usage statistics, links to social networks, access to user accounts, etc. The objective of the cookie is to adapt the content of the website to your profile and needs. Without cookies, the services offered by any page would be significantly reduced. If you wish to consult more information about what cookies are, what they store, how to delete them, deactivate them, etc., please go to this link Cookies Policy.

XI.- Modification of the Privacy Policy

HC PROPTECH SPAIN SL may modify its Privacy Policy in accordance with the applicable legislation at any time. In any case, we will inform you of any modification to the Privacy Policy that has a relevant impact on your privacy, and the protection of your data, law, in case the applicable regulations so require, we will give you the possibility of granting again Your consent.