Haux Group

Haux Group

About us

HAUX GROUP is a cluster of companies focused on real estate investment. Haux was born from the Serra and Alarcón family union with a single purpose: offer all the services that a real estate investor can need. The group of 4 companies offers, starting from a real estate developer an investment club with HAUX CAPITAL, selecting and creating real estate investment projects with high returns. The execution of the works is carried out by the construction and renovation company called HAUX DESIGN.
Quienes somos
In charge of generate the projected returns the group created NOMAD HAUX, a tourist and temporary rental management company. And our last company was born by the need of being up to date with the latest technologies to be applied in the real estate industry, the group launch HAUX T , the Tech arm that manages our platform for Tokenization real estate projects.
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